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shermin sathi
Apr 05, 2022
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About the secrets behind the success of its new e-commerce site launched in mexico. Personalization, omnichannel and data integration . These are the key factors that create unique shopping experiences based on consumer interests and needs. But what strategy to follow to create a personalized e-commerce site capable of intercepting users at each stage of their customer journey? We interviewed chinese company xiaomi, which has pushed the boundaries of shopping experience and personalization of the customer journey with its new e-commerce site launched in mexico , achieving unexpected results in just 6 months. How to create a unique and personalized shopping experience? If you want to create a unique shopping experience based on the needs and demands of company mailing list each consumer and you are starting from scratch, with no pre-existing information, follow these 4 goals to build a strategy that puts the customer first. Center of your choices :create a community to build a database create enjoyable experiences for consumers generate engagement among users optimize customer loyalty what mailup and datatrics can do to personalize your e-commerce siteto achieve these goals, tools such as the mailup platform and integration with the predictive marketing platform datatrics can give you a big hand. The datatrics-mailup combination allows companies to work at all levels of the funnel , in an automated and simple way. Here is a general overview showing what both platforms allow you to do:mailup dynamic automation and customization tools advanced database management and gdpr compliance dynamic catalog management optimal deliverability and infrastructure advanced management of transactional flows and reporting priority technical support datatrics identification of site visitors and their buying phase aggregation of data from internal (crm, email, social networks, etc.) and external sources (demographic data, weather conditions, traffic intensity, etc.)

shermin sathi

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